
    The Most Water-Efficient Window Cleaning Hack for Everyone

    The Most Water-Efficient Window Cleaning Hack for Everyone

    A Most Water-Efficient Window Cleaning Hack for Everyone
    The Most Water-Efficient Window Cleaning Hack for Everyone

    The conservative lifestyle of the UK people will automatically be contagious once you find yourself in their midst. I was always freely pouring water on windows to get the best stainless view while I was it until I was told the one secret that I think many know, but I still think everyone should know, especially if you reside in the UK where paying for everything is a way of life. In this post, I will not only tell you the best way to clean your window without needing to keep splashing too much water on it, but I will also give you the step-by-step execution. I initially intended this post for the UK residents, but I changed my mind, as everyone needs to cut down on their water consumption in a world where we are now over 8 billion humans.

    Window cleaning is a chore that many take pride in, but requires a significant amount of water to wash and rinse off the lather, which now happens to have a beautiful replacement which doesn’t hurt the environment. In our world right now where everything is becoming scarce, it is only wise to help the readers and viewers come across an eco-friendly alternative to water misuse. There exists a simple, eco-friendly, streak-free result which ends up saving water and the environment. We will lay the fulfilling act of window cleaning using ‘Newspapers’, which gives a perfect crystal clear to everyone.

    Before cleaning, you need to have your essentials out together and in this case, the essentials are your mild cleaning solution in a spray bottle and your newspaper which is always best when they have fewer colours, as colours can affect the result. A newspaper will substitute the water in this case.

    The Most Water-Efficient Window Cleaning Hack for Everyone
    The Most Water-Efficient Window Cleaning Hack for Everyone

    Advantages of Window Cleaning With Newspaper

    The use of newspapers instead of water for window cleaning doesn’t only come with its economic advantage but also presents some environmental gains. The newspaper texture is porous which works just perfectly for window cleaning because it leaves no lint or fibres on the glass surface, like the cleaning clothes and sponges do. In addition, the ink used to print on the paper acts like an abrasive for the dust and dirt settlement on the window surface, which leaves the window surface free of dirt.

    If buying a window cleaning solution seems unsure, you can go on and make your safe and reliable cleaning solution in the dancing economy, making it with items that could be found within your home, like water, vinegar and a simple spray bottle. You mix an equal part of water and vinegar into your spray bottle because the acidic nature of vinegar impressively cuts through the grease and dirt, making it easier for the newspaper to wipe them off the window surface. This homemade cleaning solution is friendly to your pocket, health, and the environment.

    Steps to cleaning the window

    1. 1. During the cleaning process, the first step is to spray the cleaning solution on the window surface you hope to clean, be it your shop-bought cleaning solution or the homemade one, ensure you have sprayed enough on the window surface you intend to clean, letting it soak, or even make it faster by scrubbing it for a minute or two so it soaks the stubborn grime.
    • 2. Choosing the right newspaper means choosing the less coloured one, with black and white being the ideal newspaper which means that they contain less dye with less possibility of ink transfer on the window surface.
    • 3. Tear out a complete sheet of the newspaper (2 pages) as white and black work best, and crumble it into a ball, then flatten the ball a bit, place it on the glass surface and wipe in a circular or vertical motion while applying moderate pressure so you don’t break the glass while cleaning it. The ink removes the dirt on the surface as you wipe, by acting like an abrasive which polishes the window surface perfectly.
    • 4. As you clean, you consciously rotate the newspaper onto the dry side and stop using the wet side. This is to ensure that you are not spreading the dirt around and also ensure that the ink is not transferred on the surface. When the newspaper gets completely soaked, then you stop using it and get a new sheet. Using a wet newspaper will not give you the expected result, rather it will leave a streak of ink on the surface which will dry up fast and will need you to repeat the work done, this is why you must change the newspaper sides when they are wet, and change the entire newspaper when it is significantly wet or saturated and change it.
    • 5. For a perfect finish, since the window is not only made up of glass, and the newspaper is perfect for the glass part of the window, you have to use a microfiber towel to clean around the corners and the other parts of the window because it soaks up any remaining moisture to give the perfect finish.
    • 6. One thing to remember, however, is the fact that you have to avoid using the newspaper cleaning technique directly under the sunlight because it causes the cleaning solution to evaporate quickly leaving you with a streak on your glass surface, which messes your work up. So aim for the sunrise or sunset hours when the sunlight is less intense, to save up on your cleaning solution, but if you don’t mind using more cleaning solution than you should, then by all means, go right ahead and clean that window at any time you can.
    • 7. Repeat this process regularly to maintain a clean window to prevent a buildup of grime to make the cleaning process easier. it obviously won’t be an enjoyable task in the winter, so do as much as you can, while the sun shines, especially for those who don’t enjoy cleaning.
    The Most Water-Efficient Window Cleaning Hack for Everyone
    The Most Water-Efficient Window Cleaning Hack for Everyone

    Finally, window cleaning with newspaper is not only magically effective, but it also produces a perfectly stainless window, which is water-saving to the earth and your pocket, cost-effective to your pocket and eco-friendly to the planet. Adopting this cleaning process will not only contribute to the global water conservation being preached, which not only slashes your water bill, but it also helps to repurpose the newspapers circulating the society. So the next time you are due for a window cleaning, switch things up by bringing your stack of newspapers closer, mixing up your simple and safe cleaning solution, and watching your window smile right at you at the end of the magic cleaning, without wasting a drop of water.

    I am your go-to friend for online product reviews. Especially eco-friendly products. I enjoy cleaning and will help you ensure you are in a safe environment, as a certified Environmental Manager.

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