Building A Must Have Amazon Wish List for a Beautiful Pregnancy Journey

Building A Must Have Amazon Wish List for a Beautiful Pregnancy Journey

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Building A Must Have Amazon Wish List for a Beautiful Pregnancy Journey

Building A Must Have Amazon Wish List for a Beautiful Pregnancy Journey
Building A Must Have Amazon Wish List for a Beautiful Pregnancy Journey

Attaining motherhood is a beautiful and seemingly exhausting journey, filled with excitement, anticipation and friendship with the tiny human you are yet to meet, or just met, which comes with its challenges. As you embark on this incredible adventure, one invaluable tool that technology has yet again made to simplify and beautify your journey is creating an Amazon Wish List. This is simply an easily accessible, thoughtful, and modern way for family and friends from all over the world, to celebrate and prepare for the bundle of joy growing in you. One thing most people find hard to do is to change an already established way of doing things into a new one. People are used to having their loved ones come to their baby showers and homes, but what about those who are far away, and would be put under undue stress to make that journey from where they are, to where you live? What about those whose husbands or partners would have loved to make it to the baby shower or event, but are away on a military or business trip? The way to level the playing ground for everyone in your life is by creating an Amazon wish list. This blog will further list the unmatched benefits of creating an Amazon wish list, a meaningful way to prepare for the addition to the family.

  1. Helps Celebrate your body and the Life in it

The body goes through physical, emotional and biological changes during pregnancy. An Amazon playlist reminds you to not only pay attention to the beautiful baby coming but also to celebrate your body’s lifelong changes during this special time. Amazon’s wish list ensures you easily and mindfully curate a set of items that specifically cater to you and the baby’s needs and preferences at that stage. The flutters and the kicks become the colours of your miraculous journey, where family and friends pick out items they are willing to financially make happen for you, to show support for your incredible journey and rewarding end.

  • 2. Eliminates the Burden Of Baby Shower

Family and friends in your life will want to show their support throughout the journey by showering gifts on the mother and unborn child/dren, especially during the baby shower, and the Amazon wishlist replaces the need for a baby shower, and making it easily accessible to everyone around the world or country, depends on which is your situation. The significant stress an Amazon wish list eliminates includes the pressure for a perfect, rather than a meaningful gift because you have given them a collection of the things you need, rather than having them guessing and plotting to surprise you. It reduces the stress and money required to plan the baby shower the stress each family and friend will have to undergo to make it to your event, and the gift-wrapping stress, but ensures you receive your items, which becomes an intentional approach and soft landing for the incoming baby.

Building A Must Have Amazon Wish List for a Beautiful Pregnancy Journey
Building A Must Have Amazon Wish List for a Beautiful Pregnancy Journey

3. Becomes A Meaningful Gift-Giving Guide

An Amazon wish list will specifically direct your family and friends to the exact types of gift you would expect from them, so you won’t expect something way off the list, which is either too expensive, or too meaningless to you, and then you also know those who are genuinely in support of your motherhood journey. The Amazon wish list helps you avoid gift duplicates, in line with your wish list. You tell your friends and family what you would love for them to get you, and they choose what they can afford. Please ensure that you are reasonable with your demands, as this is a kind gesture and support towards you and not a sugarcoated sense of entitlement. You invite these people to be a part of your journey, giving you a healthy send of community, full of people who love and share in your life journey.

  • 4. At Your Convenience

Amazon wish-lift provides convenience and can be done while having a bed rest, including the fact that it is a one-stop shop at your fingertips. No need for popping in and out of multiple stores, saving you the time, effort, stress and travel fare.

  • 5. Provides option for Eco-friendly products

A significant set of products on Amazon are proudly eco-friendly, so always check for the earth-friendly version of items you intend to add to your wish list. This ensures you are doing your part for a healthier environment for your child to come into, and learn from you and your conscious living.

  • 6. Flexible Budget

An Amazon wish list provides options for affordable and more expensive items. You know your family and friends, so have a range of products with a flexible budget. Do not impose on anyone to go beyond what they can afford, and make your gift about the things that suit your current condition, rather than the things you have always wanted in life. Opinions will always differ, so try to make your list relatable.

  • 7. Provides Access to Product Reviews and Recommendations

Amazon wish list avails the product reviews, to help you make informed decisions on the products based on reviews, and not just because Amazon suggested it. Products used and recommended by others will be a better place to start from, so you know if there is a problem with products being chosen.

Building A Must Have Amazon Wish List for a Beautiful Pregnancy Journey
Building A Must Have Amazon Wish List for a Beautiful Pregnancy Journey
  • 8. Provides You With Parenting Guide

Your Amazon wish list doesn’t only have to be about the baby products and the pregnancy journey, it can include parenting guides, and nursery setup/DIY books, for first-time mums, to help you prepare for the journey.

  • 9. Accommodates Preference Changes

Pregnancy is a dynamic process, and that includes all the body parts. Loving a particular item today doesn’t stop you from having a different preference tomorrow or next. An Amazon wish list takes note of that, which is why it gives room for your evolving needs, allowing you to update based on new developments in society, better alternatives, emerging preferences, and recommendations from more experienced parents.

  • 10. Amazon Gift Card As Alternative When in Doubt

When you, family or friends are unsure about an item, or the available resources to get it for you, an Amazon Wish List allows loved ones to gift you an Amazon gift card, which puts the money in your possession for you to choose items within that budget.

  • 11. Amazon Prime Benefits

Receiving Your Gifts can even get faster with Amazon Prime. with fast shipping by becoming an Amazon Prime Member, which guarantees your wish list will come through fast shipping as well as exclusive deals. Eliminates the long waiting period for delivery.

  • 12. Shareable To Family And Friends

Your Amazon Wish list can easily be shared with friends and family when it is done, as a shareable gesture, the Amazon wish list gives a good sense of inclusivity to friends and family participation and is willing to impress or please you, by simply sharing the link to everyone on your mind, far and near, so no one feels left out, even though they may call each other behind your back, to find out the gifts they each are going for. By carefully and sensitively curating the wish list sent out to friends and family, you provide a roadmap towards a perfect celebration of your beautiful chapter, so go right ahead and consider that others have their financial commitments, so please be considerate with the gifts.

In conclusion, the journey to parenthood is an adventure worthy of celebration from the beginning to the very end, even though many would love to stay hidden throughout the journey, especially those from Nigeria who now believe that the foetus stays safe from the pregnancy from evil eyes. The pregnancy journey is a miraculous and empowering lifetime experience, and having an Amazon wish list helps direct friends and family to the meaningful gifts you want for the journey. While it may sound a little materialistic to some people, it is quickly gaining attention and many are getting on board happily. It is not only a meaningful wish list for the pregnant woman and the baby coming, waiting to be fulfilled voluntarily by loved ones, to confirm their commitment to the love and hope bestowed. The mother-to-be should be intentionally created and seen as more than a registry to reflect the beautiful journey to parenthood.

Building A Must Have Amazon Wish List for a Beautiful Pregnancy Journey
Building A Must Have Amazon Wish List for a Beautiful Pregnancy Journey

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