
    The Best Way To Clean Urine Off Your Mattress

    The Best Way To Clean Urine Off Your Mattress

    The Best Way To Clean Urine Off Your Mattress

    The Best Way To Clean Urine Off Your Mattress
    The Best Way To Clean Urine Off Your Mattress

    When people hear of urine and all of its deposits, someone assumes that I am referring to people with babies and pets. They forget that accidents happen among your drinking friends, a sick family or friend, a child transforming into a life without a diaper and an elderly person who now depends on the use of an adult pad to sleep, to help them go through their daily activities, and the common bed wetting incidents. This also spills into the toilet accidents from pets.

    Whether it is a bedwetting incident, a pet toilet accident or a drunk friend peeing on your furniture, a crucial action is required to help your furniture and mattress stay clean and odour-free. This post will outline the best and most practical urine clean-up steps to maintain the hygiene standard required for every home. One well-known thing about urine is its distinct smell. It is easily recognisable and lingers, leading to potential bacterial growth if not handled appropriately. Addressing this issue will prevent lasting damage to your sofas and mattresses.

    The very moment you notice the urine stain on the mattress, sofa or some other furniture in the house, act fast. This is because the longer the urine sits, the more difficult it becomes to reverse the accident. So when you notice it, quickly grab a paper towel or just a towel and wipe down on the blot to absorb as much pee as possible. when there is a lot of pee, then you try not to wipe, because when you do, you are pushing down the pee. Some people try to do it the faster way by using a hair dryer on the spot, and getting it to lose its moisture faster than the natural way, or wiping it down after spraying the spot with urine neutraliser to combat the smell.

    Do well to strip the bed of all the linens and bedding that were involved in the downpour, and have them washed off as fast as possible, using stain remover to prevent the smell and stain from lingering

    On this blog, I always encourage DIY cleaning solution creation right at home. Whenever you develop concerns about the actual content of the instore cleaning solutions, always remember your power to create a similar product, a safer version, right in the comfort of your home by simply mixing an equal portion of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle which can easily be bought from the shops. Vinegar is known for its stain and odour removal abilities, returning freshness to the receiving item. An additional method will be to sprinkle baking soda all over the affected area.

    The Best Way To Clean Urine Off Your Mattress
    The Best Way To Clean Urine Off Your Mattress

    After the cleaning solution has been made and poured into the spray bottle, spray the cleaning solution all over the stain spot, with the help of a reusable microfibre cleaning cloth you blot the stain. Continue this simple process several times until the stain is no longer obvious, which all depends on the toughness of the stain.

    After working on the stain, get a clean and damp cloth to rinse the solution on the area to remove the remaining cleaning solution left on the spot, try to work only on and just the spot, preventing any unnecessary spread on the unaffected area of the mattress, which can encourage the growth of mould. Using a dry towel, dap the mattress to absorb the excess moisture possibly remaining.

    To neutralise the urine odour, you can sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda all over the area, letting it sit for a few hours, or at best overnight to let the baking soda excellently absorb the odour. When morning comes, you can thoroughly vacuum the baking soda off, leaving the mattress fresh and clean.

    To further prevent any stain occurrence and clean up, consider investing in a waterproof mattress protector, which will preserve and protect the mattress by acting as a barrier against stains and accidents, and can be cleaned and wiped dry easily.

    The Best Way To Clean Urine Off Your Mattress
    The Best Way To Clean Urine Off Your Mattress

    When a mattress has come in contact with urine, one important additional action to take after clean-up should be to expose it to sunlight. Take the mattress outside and air it out. This is because sunlight has antibacterial properties, and helps evaporate moisture and odour. There also is a urine neutralizer spray and enzymatic cleaners which are specifically used on pet urine stains to break down the uric acid crystals which are responsible for the odour. But when you have tried all that you possibly can, and the freshness in your home hasn’t been restored, then it may be time to contract professional cleaners who will work with industrial machines to achieve a better result.

    I am your go-to friend for online product reviews. Especially eco-friendly products. I enjoy cleaning and will help you ensure you are in a safe environment, as a certified Environmental Manager.

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